smlIdleThreatSydney band IDLE THREAT are set to release their debut album "Rope Burn" in August. We caught up with guitarist Tommy for the lowdown. 

 smlFakenEwsFAKE NEWS are a new melodic hardcore punk band from the Gold Coast heavily influenced by the classic EpiFat sound. 

smlAllInAdelaide youth crew hardcore band, ALL IN have announced the release of their debut 7 inch titled "Set The Pace". We caught up with frontman Baron for a chat.

smlMaso2MASOCHIST hail from the Northern Rivers area of New South Wales and deliver social concious hardcore punk with a very important message. We caught with singer Rose for the lowdown on the band.

smlFatalistFATALIST is a new band out of the Newcastle / Central Coast area fronted by a relocated Melbourner in that of Craig Wainwright. Mixing melody with aggression also makes for an inticing listen so we caught up with Craigos for the low down. 

smlBT The isolation and struggle of being a band from Tasmania is not lost on BREAK THROUGH.  We caught up with vocalist Luke Engels for the lowdown overcoming these barriers.  

smlFearlessFEARXLESS are a relatively new band out of Sydney who are bringing back the youthcrew hardcore sound of yesteryear in a big way. 

smlRageRAGE is a new Central Coast band that recently shifted from a side project into something much more. The band are set to release their debut 7inch "Feel The Burn" soon through Resist Records.

smlmentalc1Mental Cavity is a new band out of Canberra that is basically a side project for three of the members of I Exist along with their friend Rohan on guitar.

 smlBarrysBARRIERS is a new Sydney band band made up of some older Sydney heads who have clocked up more than their fair share of years in hardcore bands. 


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