The isolation and struggle of being a band from Tasmania is not lost on BREAK THROUGH. Distance is a large obstacle to overcome when it comes to touring and one really needs to be committed to the cause. We caught up with vocalist Luke Engels for the lowdown on overcoming these barriers. 

At what point did BREAK THROUGH form and how did it all come together?

Luke and Tom were looking to start a band when we fortunately met Sam at a friends birthday party. He had a jam space at his, we had similar music taste and from there decided to have jam together, Tom then asked Will if he would be interested in playing bass, from then we started jamming as much as we could. We then had a second guitarist for a while and that was sick but then he got too busy with life, we then got our friend from a now deceased TAS band called Weeper to play with us.

Would readers recognize the members from any other bands?

No, maybe one or two of us, who cares :)

In your own words how would you describe the sound of BREAK THROUGH?



What bands are influencing the sound of BREAK THROUGH?

Some of us are influenced by the music we grew up listening to and some of us are influenced by our living conditions in the dark, bleak island of Tasmania. 

What would be a dream line up of bands to play with?

Disembodied, Martyr AD, Poison The Well, Eighteen Visions, Devilinside, Carpathian.


How is the local scene in Tasmania? What sort of bands do you guys play with and where do you fit in? Any other bands you recommend people check out?

The local scene is rising from the dead atm which is mad.

We play with any band who wants to play with us or asks us to play their show. We don't fit in.

Yes! Cower, Departe, Trespasser, Dire, No Haven.

You have your debut 7” coming out soon on Life Lair Regret Records, a label out of Melbourne. How did this all come together?

L.L.R were the first to show interest in our band therefore they are the ones we will continue working with because they all rule.

How much harder is it for a band from Tasmania to tour Australia in comparison to a band based on the mainland?

Well firstly we have to fly from Tasmania and flights can be stupid expensive sometimes. We still work as hard, as we can and will almost play every show we are invited on, as we do this because we love it, it gives us something to look forward to, even live for. 

What else is in store in the foreseeable future for BREAK THROUGH?

Hopefully as many shows as we can possibly do interstate.

Also a full length record and a lot more live chaos in the pit ha-ha.


How can people get in touch or keep up with what’s happening in BREAK THROUGH?

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Instagram: break.throughhc

Facebook: Break Through

Band Camp:

You can also find us on Spotify and Apple Music.



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