smlFootyMatt "Footy" Horvath has been an avid collector for a very long time and owns some very. very, rare records and has perhaps the best collection of Australian punk and hardcore we've covered to date.

smlRecords A 15 of 15 Take a peek into the record collection of Ryan Willmott, filled with Mindsnare, Radio Birdman, Anthrax, Waterfront and Reactor Records.

sml20663242 10155534375043698 1228053557 oJohann Billimoria is a Sydney based collector, who has slowly and steadily been amassing quite the collection of records. Not one to limit his listening a particular style of punk and hardcore, Johann really does have a bit of everything on offer.

smlRingSnareWhen not playing guitar in Frank Rizzo, Troy Lawrence is probably trawling through boxes of records looking for Terror, Piece By Piece and Mindsnare records.

smlIMG 0924Ravi Rao is based in Sydney and has an ecletic collection of records that cover a wide variety of styles, but no doubt has something you want. 

smlRegan3Regan Cadd is from Melbourne and really likes youth crew hardcore, especially the glory days of Revelation Records and he sure has the collection to prove it. 

smSKStephen Kelly is perhaps best known as the frontman for raging Newcastle hardcore band HURT UNIT, but he's also the owner of a very healthy record collection.

smlLV1People collect many different things. Melbourne hardcore enthusiast Leigh Valler also has an amazing shirt collection to match his record collection.

smlLonnie1When it comes to Australian record collectors, Lonnie Grills isn’t a name that comes to mind. He isn’t a big trader, collector of classics or a scene celeb. 

smlBlaykeBlayke White is a young guy from Perth who by his own admission has only been collecting a really short time. With a penchant for Australian hardcore records...


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