IMG 2084

When not playing guitar in Frank Rizzo, Troy Lawrence is probably trawling through boxes of records looking for Terror, Piece By Piece and Mindsnare records.

Take a peak into his collection..


Name: Troy Lawrence
Current Population

3 1/2": 1
7”s: 389
10”s: 13
12”s: 181
Test Pressings: 25
First Born:

Massappeal "Chrysalidz" 7" from Waterfront Records for $5.95. My start to many of more purchases to come. 

Latest addition to the Family:

Iron Reagan "Crossover Ministry" and Ringworm "Snake Church" arrived today

The Pride of the Fleet:

Not that it comes out often and gets played, but Nirvana "Bleach"  (red/silver cover) from Waterfront Records, given to me for free as a birthday gift.

Thank you to my brother for that ,why you didn't get one for yourself is still beyond me!
The Hen’s Tooth

The rarest would have to be the Terror/Ringworm split test press outta 4 copies according to the Deathwish Records website. Scored it off a guy on the net from Finland.

Pic Jointer1 

Not Cheap:

Well we won't go there, I'm ashamed of what I spent with some purchases! 

White Whale:

Mindsnare 'Hanged, Choked, Wrists Slit" first press on Blue or Red. Heard only very limited copies of these are around.

Also any test presses from Toe To Toe, my brother has two 7" tests of theirs and makes me jealous with them in that my Toe To Toe collection isn't up to par with his ha-ha.

Why Did I Trade That:

Never have been a trader ever, but if the right trade was offered I'd probably accept it.

Bargain Buy:

One Inch Punch "Ignorance Is Bliss" 10" from Utopia Records for $12.95. I remember getting home, so stoked to play it and realised upon opening why was $12.95. The glue for the cover folds had dried and the cover kinda was coming unattached (apparently I heard this may have happened to a lot of them). Couldn't of cared less, is in sweet condition still and some new glue on it and fixed.


Are you a completest or collector of any band or label in particular:

Collect all stuff of Toe To Toe / Mindsnare / Take Offense / Terror & Piece By Piece.

Also been getting into alot of the stuff that Andrew (Strife) of War Records is putting out.

How do you usually acquire your records? Shops, distros, internet, fairs, trades, friends etc?

Shops / Shows / Internet / Friends, nothing beats the feeling of a sweet find in a record store though, no internet purchase can beat that.


Most memorable experience acquiring a record?

Walking home bent in my teenage stoner years and was in Dee Why and I came across a council clean up with a pile of records sitting out the front. Just outta curiosity thought would have a browse, scored Hard Ons "Yummy" green vinyl and Sex Pistols "Never Mind The Bollocks", but my friend claimed the DK's "Fresh fruit" LP.They also had a bunch of Cure records that I bought home for my brother, the rest we went and sold at Half Back records in Dee Why so could go buy some weed. Lol, never forget that one!

Represses. Do they devalue collections or add to them? Do you fuss over the press of records?

Wouldn't think it devalues. I just don't get too super excited over represses, although can listen to the repress and save your originlal copy if you have it. I liked The Faction represses that came out a while back, as I'd never had any of there original stuff.

Autographed records. Do you own any, did you get them signed yourself and do you think it makes them more valuable?

I got the Pasadena Napalm Division LP signed by Kurt Brecht from when D.R.I  played The Bendigo show in Melbourne in 2014. As to increasing the value of them being signed, maybe if there Nirvana records ha-ha.

Guilty pleasure or secret shame.

Paramore lol

What’s the absolute limit you would ever pay for a record?

Probably $200 would be my limit, but would have to be one special record for that price.

Best tip you can offer a potential collector?

Go to band's shows and search the random records bins that people sometimes bring. Definitely found some cool stuff from those.

Are record collectors all really pretentious arseholes?

Ha-ha yeah from alphabitising collections to sorting through presses and wanting the most lowest number copy/multiple copies of the same album, etc. so dumb but it's fun and I wouldn't want it any other way lol.



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