While this doco tells the tale of the band as a whole, much of the attention is focused on the life and times of the real heart of the band, frontman HR. Now to say HR's mental health has deteriorated a touch, would be a massive understatement, you can't but help feel sorry for the guy and at times guilty for laughing at some of the zany things he has to say. Genius comes in many forms, often accompanied by eccentricity and perhaps HR has always been a bit crazy, but only more recently has it been recognised. From writing the lyrics to the songs that make up "Quickness" in a 2 day period having never heard them before to playing a show in a motorbike helmet, you can't help but marvel at the guy and feel for the frustration of the rest of the band as they try to cope. An amazing must see!
BAD BRAINS "Band In DC" Documentary
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