
Perth (Boorloo) band CROSSCHECK are set to release a new 7 track EP "On The Offensive" through Loudmouth Records on October 3rd. We caught up with drummer George for the lowdown on what to expect.

At what point did CROSSCHECK form and how did it all come together?
The talk of starting a hardcore band was on the table for a while between myself (George – Drums) and Andy (Vocals), the missing piece was Chris (Guitar) which I hit up on the random chance after I saw him at an ice hockey game wearing some HC tee and Crosscheck was born at a jam a couple weeks later. We recruited a couple other members and since had a couple of line up changes but the current line up has been the same since 2023, Shaun joined in 2022 and Archie was always at our shows and filling in on occasion then became a permanent member.


Would readers recognize the members from any other bands?
Naturally we've all played in other bands, Crosscheck was pretty much all our first hardcore band. We've all be associated with different genres in the past but never landed on a hardcore band until Crosscheck. Shaun our bassist also plays guitar in End it All who we've always played shows with from the beginning so go check those guys out where ever you get your music from.


In your own words how would you describe the sound of CROSSCHECK?
Our sound is whatever we think is cool and works in the room when we write. We've always had the 2 step type riffs with bouncy breakdowns and have pretty much stuck to that element of sound without going too heavy, our music kind of sits in the middle of heavy and catchy if that makes sense.

What bands are influencing the sound of CROSSCHECK?
Without a doubt it would be Dare, Backtrack and early Turnstile


What would be a dream line up of bands to play with?
The WA dream line-up as far as current local shows go is the Closed Off! EP launch that just happened alongside End It All, Concrete Bomb & Day Of Demise, if you didn't go you missed out.


What else is in store in the foreseeable future for CROSSCHECK?
We've been sitting on an EP which comes out October 3rd, we've put a tonne of effort into this one so we are keen for it to finally come.

October 19th we will be doing a release show and some local shows to close out 2024, we have some east coast weekenders coming early 2025 but still in planning phases.


How can people get in touch or keep up with what’s happening in the band?

Add our socials (@crosscheckpchc) and check out our label Loudmouth records.

Loudmouth has some great bands on the roster from WA and also over east, LMR also puts on shows in WA so hit a show enter the pit or just watch but get involved, a music scene is only as strong if everyone rocks up to shows.




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