smladolescents-1372782825Southern Californian punk rock supergroup the Adolescents hit Australian shores for the very first time after a 30 plus year career as one of the leading bands of the punk hardcore scene. We caught with founding member and bassplayer Steve Soto.

smlRSDRECORD STORE DAY returns on Saturday April 19th over the Easter break. We catch up with a host of stores around the country to find out what they have planned.

smlBreakTheIce2014Poster_FullBill_loresReturning in 2014, Break The Ice will once again bring together the best in local and international hardcore for a weekend of community and celebration for the music we all hold so dear. In the lead up to the festival we'll be profiling the talented bands who make up the local contingency.

smlSlapshot_flyerFor the first time in their long and turbulent history, Boston's legendary hardcore pioneers SLAPSHOT will be gracing our shores in March for a run of six shows along the East Coast. We caught up with enigmatic frontman Jack "Choke" Kelly for a chat about what Australian crowds can expect..

smlBacktrack2Backtrack will return to Australia in early 2014 almost two years to the day that the band first toured the country. This time around the band will be showcasing new album "Lost In Life" due out on Bridge 9 the week before they arrive in the country. Jasper Caverly caught up with guitarist Ricky Singh.

smIExistCanberrans, I EXIST are set to release their third full length album "From Darkness" today through Resist Records. We caught up with guitarist, Aaron Osbourne for the lowdown on the new album and a chat about their recent European tour.

sml2013Welcome to our annual end of year wrap up, as we celebrate 2013, the year that was. Hard to believe another year has slipped by so fast. 2013 was a busy year in the realms of punk/hardcore. A lot of established bands put out new releases and a lot of bands reunited, some nobly and some well... let's just say they reunited. 

smldaylight-bandDaylight will return to Australia in 2013, four years since their debut tour won the hearts of many fans down under. They will bring their grunge laden melodic punk tunes to audiences to show off their debut album “Jar”. Jasper Caverly caught up with vocalist/guitarist Taylor Madison.

smleh8Sydney’s Endless Heights are aset to release their debut album, New Bloom on the 15th November just in time for their national tour alongside US band Daylight. Jasper Caverly caught up with frontman Joel Martorana for a chat.

smlMindsnare20Yr_2_of_3Originally for their 20 year anniversary I planned on doing a four part interview with each of the members of Mindsnare. I figured I'd aim questions that covered 5 years of the band's existence to them indiviually. Then when I thought about it, I realised that perhaps rather than having them rehash their past, we should all really be thanking Mindsnare for their contribution to the Australian hardcore scene instead. 


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