smlDRIHardline are pleased to announce the return of DRI, and welcome, for their first time in Australia - HIRAX!!!

smlMLIWMarch 2019 sees MLIW touring Australia for the very first time, with Sydney’s Homesick joining them on all dates.

smlreactionsWeirdos and hardcore kids alike, get ready because DREGG and REACTIONS have just announced a co-headline tour for February 2019

smlMillencolinMILLENCOLIN and GOLDFINGER will see twisted flesh, flailing limbs and a sea of swarming bodies across Australia next March!

smljoyce manor Joyce Manor will return to Australia in February/March 2019

smlTstileTurnstile and Citizen have announced Australian tour dates to go along with their upcoming appearance at Victoria’s UNIFY Gathering festival in January, tickets on sale Friday November 9.

smlterrorStick To Your Guns & Terror will be teaming up this January & February for the 'True View' 2019 Australian Tour which is sure to be a unique experience for any hardcore fan.

smlResistResist Records will be celebrating their 20th Anniversary with a huge show at the Factory Theatre in Sydney on Saturday December 15.

smlHarms way1 by Sarah DunnHarm's Way are coming to Australia this January in support of their blistering new album 'Posthuman'.

smlEarthlessEARTHLESS will return to Australia and New Zealand next February and March in support of their acclaimed 2018 studio album Black Heaven


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