Introducing REND From Adelaide
SECRET WORLD Interview With Guitarist Josh Campiao
CROSSCHECK Interview With Drummer George









Okay so while this episode of Looking Back is barely three years old, its authenticity shouldn't be discredited, as it is a very pivotal moment in Australian hardcore history, that will be remembered for a very, very long time. For many people, me included, Gorilla Biscuits were THAT band that got you totally hooked on hardcore and had a huge impact on your life. As a young and impressionable kid, START TODAY became my version of the bible. It mapped out the values I still hold true too and even influenced me to pursue a vegeatarian lifestyle through the lyrics of 'Cats and Dogs'.

The tour was put on by Resist Records and I remember Graham telling me about it probably six months in advance. It was one of the hardest secrets I have ever had to keep, as I was so excited I was just dying to share it with someone. At the same time I didn't want to curse the likelihood of the tour happening in any way, shape or form as we all know loose lips sink ships. Graham also told me the lineup of the band was the original lineup and this wasn't some quick reformation grab for cash. You see most of these shows sold out straight away, which was to be expected. Graham informed the band of this and explained they could be moved to larger capacity venues and potentially the band could earn double from the tour. The reply Graham got back was "we'd rather play sold out small rooms, we're not a big room band". To me that really summed up the integrity of Gorilla Biscuits and further fuelled my love for the band. I am forever grateful that my heroes still believe in the ethics they instilled in me as to what attracted me to and why I still love hardcore.

On December 10th 2008, it was a totally ironic situation for me to be back in the Annandale Hotel in awe of Anthony Civarelli as he spits out that immortal line "its right to follow my heart" from 'New Direction' as the opener to the GBS set. The last time I saw him on stage at the Annandale was fronting the band "CIV" spitting out the exact same line back in 1995 when they played 'New Direction' as an encore to their set and the place erupted and just went nuts. Now I was witnessing a new generation of kids going ape (or should I say gorilla) shit and to this day I still get chills whenever I hear a band cover GB's 'New Direction', as now I have the image to go with the sound.

The photos below are from the show at Hermanns on the 15th of December, a late last-minute extra Sydney show in a 250 capacity room. I didn't shoot the Annandale show as I really wanted to just watch one show and soak it in, rather than be behind the camera for one of my all time favourite bands.

Coincidentally one of my good friends and former band mates broke his arm at the Hermanns show and I didn't even know he was there. Before GBs took to the stage I did a quick scout for him and remember cursing him for not showing up to another friend. The next day he texted me from the hospital and told me he was getting his arm plastered. I called bullshit on his story. He told me he walked in during "New Direction" got caught in the mosh and basically got spat out with a broken arm. I found this hard to believe as he is not really the type of person who would mosh at a show, but like I said before, Gorilla Biscuits just have that effect on you. Dan Wecksler if you are reading this, below is what you missed buddy.

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All the hits and even CIV and Warzone covers to boot.

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The legend himself Mr. Walter Schreifels

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Arthur Similos

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Alex Brown the main man behind Schism

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Anthony CIV Civarelli

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You can't help but point your finger at a Gorilla Biscuits show

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Stage dives makes me feel more alive

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Walter gets shredical

Below are some clips from the show at Hermanns. The sound quality is pretty horrible, but if you are a GB fan you know what's going on anyways.

New Direction (watch for Walter's backups)

Time Flies

Competition / Forgotten / Good Intentions

Pics from the Annandale Hotel show thanks to Travis Marriot




Below pics from the Arthouse Hotel shows thanks again to Travis Marriot





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