Title Fight's new 7", 'Spring Songs', out through Revelation Records, is the newest instalment to their extensive back catalogue. Having been a band for 10 years now they seem to be moving further and further away from the 'corny pop punk' sound with every release and maturing in their song writing and lyrics. Spring Songs is 4 tracks that are vastly different from the early days of the band, having a 'jam' type feel to them much like their previous album 'Floral Green'. The production of Spring Songs is noticeably 'rawer' than their previous work (and even though this is obviously intentional) it would benefit them if they'd stuck to the cleaner, clearer sound on 'Shed'. More diversity in the 7'' with the tempo of the songs and the structure could possibly make it a little more interesting, nevertheless, another brilliant release from Title Fight. - J Cav
TITLE FIGHT "Spring Songs" Revelation Records
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