Danny Marianinho of infamous band North Side Kings has announced plans to release a book, entitled Don’t Ever Punch A Rock Star: A Collection of Hate Mail and Other Crazy Rumors, collecting various hateful messages he received following his altercation with Glenn Danzig in 2004 (video is below). Although no specifics about when the book will be published are currently available, some information about the forthcoming book can be found here.
"Since the altercation between Glenn Danzig and Danny Marianino in 2004, Danny has been saving and collection a slew of hate mail, derogatory posts on "blogs and messages that are so ridiculous it will blow your mind. Finally, some of the best bullshit following this event has been compiled into an amusing book detailing the events leading up and after a bad decision on both sides escalated. Don’t Ever Punch a Rockstar profiles a regular guys journey in music and learning to shrug off one of the most opinionated events in music history."Glenn Danzig, in an interview with LA Weekly recently (available here), finally spoke out regarding the altercation between him and Danny Marianinho of North Side Kings that took place in 2004. Danzig claims Marianinho set up the entire scenario as a publicity stunt.
Below are some excerpts of what to expect..
Quote of the Day 06/27:
"I read about Dannys Marianinho bragging about how tough he thinks he is. I would say the proof was in the pudding if I didnt think he ate it all already. Nom nom nom hardcore nom nom nom"
Hate Mail Entry # 26 (Hate Mail Entries are emails and messages we received.)
Quote of the Day 06/26:
"Glenn felt cornered by a big, fat, undeserving wannabe. He had a panic stricken freak out and pushed the guy without thinking, until AFTER he did it. Typical fight or flight reaction. Thoughts including, LAWSUIT and WHY DID I JUST DO THAT? came to Glenn's mind and he froze. The fat guy sees Glenn's frozen and takes a shot while smothering Glenn to make sure he is knocked down.
Glenn is the typical nervous guy who's a workaholic and hates touring due to boredom on the road."
Posted by ChrisM1234 On You Tube
Quote of the Day 06/22:
I'm so sick of this shit I wan't to take vacation time from work, hunt that fat fuck down, and fucking brutally destroy him live on national television. Anyone on this board from AZ. If you're not a total puss and you have a video camera and at least one friend to operate it, please, hunt this fat fuck down, lay waste to his fatness, film it, and make sure it finds it's way onto the net. Don't forget to tell him his band sucks fat unwashed dick.
Posted by Slaytanigrind on Blabbermouth .Net
Quote of the Day 06/21:
"Danzig’s a fucking god, and FUCK those who say any different. That asswhipe Danny from The North Side Kings fucking eats more cock than he does cheesecake, and we all know Glenn would have layed his fucking ass out if he wouldn’t have stumbled…who the fuck hits and runs??? or…hit and Wobble, that fat fuck couldn’t run if his last piece of pie depended on it"
Posted by Arthur Smith on Stereo Gum. Com
The incident that started it all...