M.O.D. is back together again touring Europe and even writing a new record. You can download a new track for free from the band's website.

Billy Milano announced the following via his website

"M.O.D. is in the final stages of writing a brand new ripping record. I had a few offers from some labels. But in the end, the offers were nothing more than worthless bullshit.

I have done M.O.D. for 26 years. And I have always made a record that I was proud of. Now I want to make this record that I have been working very hard on for the last 6 months. That is where you fans come in. I have always helped out many bands and musicians. And now I am asking my fans, OUR FANS, for donations to help make this record a reality. M.O.D. is currently getting ready to leave for our European tour as I type this.

In return, I am offering you a very real NYHC Punk record that will be the best M.O.D. record I have ever done. And believe me, it is!!! The record will be available as a FREE download to all the M.O.D. fans in the world. Or would you just rather have another Justin Bieber record?"

You can hear part of the new song in the promo video below..


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