Melbourne's ILL VISION have decided to bring the existence of their band to an end. They've announced the Miles Away All Ages show at the Phoenix Youth Centre in Footscray will be their last.
Dear the world,
Today is the day we've decided to pull the pin on the outfit formally known as Ill Vision.
We've played our fair share of shows in Melbourne and interstate. We would like to thank anyone who has helped this band out in anyway, given us a place to stay, play and given us the experience of seeing places we haven't been to. We haven't done as much as we'd liked to have, but all the same, it's been a good experience. All the people, bands and times, won't be forgotten.
Our last show will be at Make It Count with Miles Away, Cruel Hand, Iron Mind, Hopeless and Outright.
This is two songs we'd been playing live, check em out.
And our 2011 demo..