Wisdom In Chains recently released a new album called “The Missing Links” through I Scream Records back in April. Pre-orders for the album have still not been shipped, with little explanation from the label, leaving the band to field all enquiries. Now the band and label have entered into a slanging match and you get the feeling Wisdon In Chains won't be releasing anything further with I Scream Records.

From I Scream Records...

Wisdom In Chains pre-order bundles

"A few weeks ago a couple of online statements, including twisted facts, were posted about the delayed deliveries of the Wisdom In Chains pre-order bundles. From all that was said the ONLY important part is the fans waiting. You've spent your money to support one of our releases and are owed an apology for the delay. So via this way I personally want to apologize for the wait and assure you that you will receive what you've paid for.
Knowing the turnaround time, based on when we received the assets we needed, launching the pre-order opportunities, with the vinyl release, was a bad decision on I Scream Records' end. So in the next couple of weeks we will personally reach out to every single one of you and offer a credit that you'll be able to use in various ways. This as a token of our appreciation for ordering and to try and make up for the delay.

During the past 18 years myself and every single person that worked with us, past or present, have poured their hearts and souls into what we wanted to see become an outlet and support channel for our music. A scene we've lived for and lived with, the majority of our lives.  We've always been the first ones to help (our) bands, fellow labels or just friends from our scene. Never believed in, and still don't, competing labels and never believed that the artists and labels are natural born enemies, although this isn't always the easiest one. On numerous occasions bumped heads and argued with band members, managers or lawyers but at the end of the day, in the majority of the cases, we all realized that we were on the same team and that, when push comes to shove, we all have the same goal.

We certainly aren't the most sophisticated machine, as a small independent, and have made our share of mistakes, and still do. Some of them bigger than the previous or next one and they remain a continued source of lessons learned. Anybody certainly has the right to expect someone else not to make any mistakes but when mistakes are made, it's unfair to automatically portray them as shady.

Obviously we'll see this statement being used to fuel the fire by a few keyboard warriors, but we didn't want to leave this unwritten out of respect to the girls and boys who deserve an apology or to those who simply want a clarification.

We will continue to work hard for the music and scene we believe in."

The response from Wisdom In Chains...

"The label that put out our last record has finally decided to put up a half assed apology about the incredibly huge delay involved with our pre-orders. In that apology they mention "twisted facts" in some "online statements", so let me get this right, basically Wisdom in Chains is being called LIARS! WOW! If any one wants to know anything we went through during the process of releasing "The Missing Links" album, just ask.

We would be glad to enlighten anyone about the disappearing acts that we had to deal with, the lies, and all the other bullshit. If anyone wants to know that this record was meant to be out in October (in time for our last European tour) but our record label decided to cut off communication during that period for some reason, if anyone wants to know about how the band wanted to put out the vinyl themselves and just wanted to be included in anything if the making of the vinyl option was going to be sold, but was told "not possible, the label is putting that out ourselves" only to find out that the license was sold to another label without us knowing, if anyone wants find out about how we where asking for vinyl weeks ago, asking "are the records ready to be picked up yet" and the answer being "let me see if they have been delivered to the warehouse yet" only to find out that they didn't even start pressing them at the time, if anyone wants to know that we could not even get in touch with our label when it was time to pay for our record, the band and the bands management had to come up with the money until the label decided he would return an e-mail, just ask us...I mean, if its called an "advance" you would think you get the finances in ADVANCE..NO??

So much bullshit I could talk about here, but I wont. We are just replying because we know what the comment "twisted facts" means. It means "telling lies" and we told no lies. Trust me, this band keeps it as hardcore as it can be, this band is the real deal, and when someone calls us out on our words, we react. "twisted facts" are one thing, twisted necks are another..Be careful what you say. Special thanks to Black and Blue Management (without this record would not have gotten finished), thanks to Durty Mick records for giving us answers about our own record, thanks to everyone who made the effort to get the pre-orders. Lastly, if there are anymore problems with your pre-orders, contact us and we will figure shit our for you."


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