Last Thursday night, two teenagers bashed “Blackie” of the Hard-Ons whilst he was working as a cab driver. Blackie has been in hospital since Thursday night with a skull fracture, 16 stitches and swelling on the brain. Police apprehended the two assailants, a 14yr old girl and 16yr old boy shortly after. 

Hard Ons bassplayer Ray Ahn had this to add..

"Thankfully he has been moved from the critical room to where they keep stable patients. He does not remember all details but he is getting better every day. Not sure when he can play music again.

We will know more in the coming days. He has already been told he cannot drive for 6 weeks due to his head trauma. Please send him a get-well message through facebook , he'll read it all when he gets out in a few days time. I'm sure he'll get better soon. He is a pretty tough cookie.

I've known him for many years and I know he wants to get back playing music again as soon as possible, but he will go with medical advice, it's gonna be best to give up playing live for a while, so that he can fully recover and come back fitter than ever..... "      Ray Ahn

From Blackie himself late last night..

"Hey all.. Fuck this is one of ghe worst things that's every happened!! I'm shocked and frankly stunned.. They were kids so didn't expect/see it coming.. Still in hospital with a skull fracture and swelling, according to the docs at least two months off!! Groan!!

But everyone's well wishes has TRUELY touched me!! You guys make we wanna recover and keep making music for you all!! Each and everyone of you is in my heart!! Thank you all so so SO much I can't even begin to tell you all how this makes me feel xxxx"  Peter Black

You can read more about the attack on Sydney Morning Herald over here:


You can donate some money to help Blackie get back on his feet over here:


Or you can go to a fundraiser show this Wednesday night at the Sando that Blackie was meant to play that features Simon Day from Ratcat and Mo Mayhem from The Hell City Glamours.

Details are below..



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