
GLARE is an alternative rock/shoegaze five-piece from the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas. Since their inception in 2017, the band has wasted no time making a name for themselves with the release of heaps of singles and an abundance of touring and high-profile festival appearances.

Now, GLARE have teamed up with Deathwish Inc. + Sunday Drive to release a new song, "Mourning Haze." Guitarist Toni Ordaz comments, "'Mourning Haze’ had been with us for awhile, written around the time we were doing ‘Void in Blue’ and developing what would later become ‘Heavenly’. Immediately, we knew it sounded way different from what we did before and decided early on that it was going to be a part of what would become the album. The lyrics didn’t come much later until the recording sessions, but I think they are very much a reflection of what we were all going through at the time." Toni continues, "'Mourning Haze' is about grief, and how dreams play a role in processing it."


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