
Team Glasses have released a new track from Sydney band Idle Threat off their upcoming album "Dead Weight" due out May 12.

The album was recorded by Jay Whalley at The Pet Food Factory in August of last year.

The track is called Give Us A Smile and will apear on the band's upcoming new album.

From the band...

Written after a pant-shitting experience whilst on a casual Sunday drive through the dead centre of Australia late 2019.

After a long day (days?) slogging the Troopy, sans-AC, for what felt like an eternity, I stopped at (I think it was) Ormiston Gorge waterhole for a dip.

Stripped down to my undies and dove in. It was bloody GLORIOUS... until I got halfway from the sandy bank to the rock ledge (~50m) on the other side when dear old fuckhead decided to impart a wonderful bit of internal monologue on me:
"The signs said they don't EXPECT Salties down here... doesn't guarantee you won't be the first to find one though."

Queue panic.

Anyway, that's how "Give Us A Smile" came to life and it'll be the second single off of Dead Weight.



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