
Team Glasses have announced the addition of ORATORY to their roster of bands.

From the label...

We’re extremely happy to announce that ORATORY have joined Team Glasses Records. Featuring four members that have been kicking around the south-side of Brisbane in various projects for the past 20 years, we’re extremely happy to have them join our family.
Here’s a few words from the band.
We're grateful to have been asked to be apart of Team Glasses Records as we really value everything Tegan and Adam do for the community, at large. Our name is in theme with our music - in that music isn't and cannot a form of entertainment for us -- more that it's a vital lifeblood. Listening and playing music is equivalent to being in a place of (secular) worship, meditation and expression. Our influences tower toward the sky, though we are forever indebted to the pioneering bands such as Celtic Frost, Neurosis, Sepultura, Discharge, Black Sabbath and Motorhead for showing us what music is that physically moves people.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and it won't be soon before long that you have our new tape in your deck. Thank you, Team Glasses Records.
With imminence and gracious salutations.
- Oratory


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