
WRATHS are streaming their new 4 song EP, "My Home" out now through Bird Attack Records in full.

From frontman Jim Lindberg..

Right after we finished our first album we just kept on writing and some pretty important themes made their way into the new songs . There is a huge debate raging in the south bay right now about over development with a lot of the locals very concerned about what's happening to the place where we grew up. Many of us feel the area is losing its soul to make room for big glossy corporate chains and big money grabs for developers instead of things our community really needs.

Our song "My Home" is a direct reflection of that frustration." "Trusted You" is about the sickening pattern of abuse and denial going on in some religions, and "The Beat Goes On" is about bullying at every level. I like that this new batch of songs challenges people to confront certain issues instead of sweeping them under the rug. We have no problem being the mouthpiece for that. - Jim




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