Hoover 1

Hoover are a secret, exposed in a concurrent display cabinet, they are like finding a revealing clue in a place you’ve visited a thousand times. They are the missing link to understand the characteristic sound from Washington D.C’s early 90’s.

How many times have you wished to know what your favourite bands would sound like today if they had never split up? Hoover decided to answer that question in 1997 by reuniting in the same studios they recorded their debut album in. The event took place at WGNS, under producers Geoff Turner and Juan Carreras’ supervision, and consisted in recorded unpublished songs that they had only played live, and to experiment after three years of accumulating new influences.

On the 1st of January 1998, Slowdime published 2000 copies of their last untitled album. They only needed DeSoto to complete the trinomial of discographies, key elements of that time, that sound and that place.

To find this album now, in 2016, is a music archaeological task. Maybe Jordi Llansama? (BCore Disc), who once rescued singles by June of 44, Kepone, Bluetip, a split by Dismemberment Plan & Juno, The Letter E EP and a couple of references by Oswego, will take on the job of reissuing as an excuse to celebrate BCore’s 300th edition, maybe you will magically find this album in your hands. We can always dream... 

About BCore Disc

BCore Disc is one of the key reference record labels of Spanish independent music. Founded in 1990 in Barcelona and influenced, in the beginning, by the hardcore and punk 80’s scene, the label has managed to carry on their DIY premise for more than 25 years. Inspired by American labels like Dischord, SST or Touch and Go!, BCore has focused on indie rock and other music tendencies from the Barcelona and Spain underground movement. The label currently covers a number of genres that go from punk, hardcore and surf to pop, folk, rock and instrumentals. Read more>>


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