Expire with regret cover art

Expire return with their third full-length, With Regret, due out September 23rd from Bridge Nine Records. A little heavier and just as fierce as ever, the Midwest Blood champions cruise across sub-two-minute juggernauts purging their feelings on damaged relationships and introspective exorcisms. With Regret is the first Expire album recorded outside of their mainstay studio, Howl Street, having traveled up to Chicago's Bricktop Studios with Andy Nelson. The new environment takes them out of their comfort zone and results in subtle new twists to the band's sound, which bounces with a caustic, fraught anxiety, more memorable riffs, and focused vocals that retain all their previous bile and despair.

Expire, who formed back in 2009, have released two highly-acclaimed full-lengths and a handful of EP's, and most recently released their Old Songs compilation earlier this year. They've toured the globe countless times over in their seven-year career, and in support of With Regret they'll canvas North America with Stick To Your Guns, Stray From The Path, and Knocked Loose.

Expire will be touring Australia in November with Born Free. Info here.



EXPIRE have announced after the release of their upcoming new LP "With Regret" the band will be calling it a day in the Spring of 2017.

"Come Spring of next year, we'll be putting the band to rest. There isn't some huge explanation to give. To put it simply, we all decided that we would rather end it on our terms and when we want to, rather than fade off. We've never been the type to only play a few shows here and there or sit dormant for any amount of time. Expire started as a band that didn't know how to slow down and that's the way we'll end it. This band snowballed into something none of us planned for and before it's done, we want to extend a very real thank you to anyone and everyone who had a part in it over the past 7 years. Writing this comes with a pretty insane feeling, but really; thanks for supporting us, it's been fun.

"Starting in September, we'll begin to say our goodbyes. Not even going to pretend like we will make it to every single city that's meant something to us, but we'll sure as hell try. Below are the dates we have as of now. Our final U.S. tour will be next spring so expect that to be announced sometime in the next few months.

"Obviously with all of this being said, With Regret will be our final album. We could toss in one of a thousand clichés about it but simply put, it's the record we wanted to leave on.

"We'll see y'all this fall."


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