
Foundation, who revealed they were breaking up in April, are streaming their final offering Turncoat in full. The 7inch will be available in January through Jawk Records.

From the band...

This is going to be a big update….
First, we want you to know that after nearly ten years of being a band we finally made a Bandcamp page. If you visit you can hear a brand new song from our final record "Turncoat". It's called "Failure Breeds Failure" and features guest vocals from Anderson Bradshaw (The Promise/Another Victim/Terrible Mistakes Podcast). Also on this page you will see all of the last shows we have planned AND a link to the Jawk Records ( webstore where the pre-orders for Turncoat can be purchased. They aren't live yet, but should be in the next couple of days so keep your ear to the ground…

Second, we will be joining some of our very best friends over the next few months to play a handful of shows across this country. We'll be posting flyers and event page links as we get them so keep an eye out for that as well. We want to thank everyone who worked to put these shows together and we can't wait to see everybody one last time. If you're curious if we're coming to your town.

And Finally, it brings us great joy to announce all of this, but not without some sadness because with every announcement and show we just add one more nail to the coffin. It's bitter sweet, but we hope you enjoy the record and maybe we'll see you at the shows. Oh, and if you want to share all of this or repost it we wouldn't mind at all...
-Foundation x x x





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