
Better late than never, regardless if this is old news or not this really is a great concept initiated by H2O's Toby Morse. Basically Toby visits schools to address students on the benefits of alternative lifestyle choices to drugs and alcohol, teaching them about straight edge and PMA. Love him or hate him you gotta admit this is a pretty refreshing and inspiring avenue to be pursuing for the singer of a hardcore band.

If you want to check out more about Toby's One Life. One Chance program then hit this link or watch the video below.

A Discussion on Living a Healthy, Clean Lifestyle in a Not So Drug Free Culture

With Toby Morse of H2O

With today’s increase in alcohol and drug use among youth, Toby’s message of living a healthy lifestyle and still being cool and respected is one that needs to be heard.

Purpose: To inform elementary and secondary students about cool alternatives to alcohol and drugs and having a positive mental attitude.

Objective: To break stereotypes of what it means to live a cool lifestyle. Heavily-tattooed recording artist and front man of H2O for 15yrs, Toby Morse defies stereotypes of a musician’s lifestyle. In an industry famous for drug use, drug-related deaths and overall self-destructive behavior, Toby chose a different path to walk. In his 40 years, he has never experimented with alcohol, tobacco or drugs. Toby travels to schools, speaking to students about his positive lifestyle despite growing up around drugs and alcohol.


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