
The planned November tour from Toxic Holocaust and Iron Reagan has now been totally cancelled. The original tour with SkeletonWitch was rescheduled to November with Iron Reagan taking their place. Last week Iron Reagan announced they were having dramas with the tour promoter Heathen Skulls and pulled out. Today the whole tour has been announced as cancelled.

Below is a statement from Robert McManus of Heathen Skulls...

"It’s with a certain level of regret and an equal amount of relief that I must announce the cancellation of the Toxic Holocaust and Iron Reagan Australian and New Zealand tour this November.

The tour was originally scheduled to happen in early this year, but due to an illness that prevented Joel Grind of Toxic Holocaust to fly, the tour was re-scheduled, the only time Toxic were available was November, unfortunately Skeletonwitch weren’t available, so they were replaced by Iron Reagan.

Over the last 12 months, since signing onto to this tour, my financial situation has changed dramatically, the touring industry in Australia has become a lot more competitive and over saturated, because of such things, I’ve decided to pull back from touring as the risks involved are just too steep.

At this point in time due to other pressing commitments, I no longer have the time or the financial resources to meet the demands of touring or to keep Heathen Skulls sustainable.

Rather than canceling the Toxic / Reagan tour, which is something I never wanted to do, I wanted to honor my agreement with both bands, but to do so I’d needed to bring in sponsors and investors, which is what many touring companies do. I was completely up front and honest with Iron Reagan by explaining that I was no loner in a financial position to invest my own money into the tour and presented this idea, it would of not effected the end result for them in regards to their fee, but Iron Reagan were no longer willing to proceed. As a result, when Toxic Holocaust heard about the news, even though they understood my position, there wasn’t much point in continuing the tour, which had already sustained more than it’s fair share of misfortunes.

For the last Month I’ve been talking to various promoters to see if they would be willing to take over the tour so that it could still continue for the original dates, but unfortunately it wasn’t possible to make the tour happen for the scheduled November shows, which is why I haven’t made a press release until now.

The tour is still on the cards for early next year, but it is now in the hands of another promoter and the bands themselves.

I’m sorry for any inconvenience; all refunds can be obtained through the point of purchase."



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