
The recently reformed Total Abuse announced an upcoming 3 song 7" EP titled "Looking For Love" to be released by Deranged Records in July 2014. This will be followed by an LP later in the year.

The band posted about their reformation:

"The powers that be maintain we were never fully gone. Death rattles are strange things. Our little project that took place in the time period of 2006-2011 made it's small and strange mark upon the world of sound / music. It was thrown in the grave because of personal problems with the players involved. Insanity and the very human desire to hurt one's self took over and the players knew Total Abuse could not go on. When the dust settled and the eyes focused we saw ourselves scattered across the psychic plane. Wandering helplessly but fully aware we were still filled with ideas and the thirst for more music. Total Abuse has more to offer in 2013 than ever before. In the unforgiving and small minded world of HARDCORE PUNK most will laugh and spit. But that has always been the case with our group. Total Abuse has always intended to exist outside of that very weird world anyway with one leg stuck in and out. Look out into the world and see the light. I am sorry for my sins. Forgiveness is real."


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