
In case you missed the APB, Masked Intruder broke into the punk scene with their highly acclaimed 2012 self-titled album and have been building up quite a rap sheet ever since. These thugs have been on tour for the past two years with the likes of NOFX, Less Than Jake, and Teenage Bottlerocket, stealing the hearts of unwitting fans all along the way. Finally, the law caught up to these rascals and they were sent to the “big house” to think about their crimes. While meditating on how to be upright citizens, they killed time by writing new songs and digging their way to freedom. Once again, they managed to dodge the law long enough to hole up at Atlas Studios in Chicago with Matt Allison as their accomplice, laying down 13 tracks of polished, hook-laden power pop that’s so catchy, it’s criminal. Of course Masked Intruder will continue their life on the lam throughout 2014 in support of M.I., pilfering their way through the U.S., Europe, and Australia. Consider yourself warned.

And ladies, be vigilant around these romeos as we intercepted this message from Intruder Blue: “We are extremely stoked on this record! We had a great time working with Matt Allison again and we couldn’t be happier with how the record came out! We can’t wait for everybody to hear it, especially all of the ladies out there! We really feel like we poured our hearts into this one, and we expect that the ladies are gonna pick up on that and maybe wanna make out with us. That’s the idea, anyway. Cool!!!”



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