Choke (singer for Slapshot) has a football hooligan hiding deep down inside him. That hooligan only surfaces when Choke is playing with his other band Stars & Stripes, with whom he released “Shaved For Battle” years ago. Musically it’s still catchy oi and punk rock, or as they say in football: never change a winning team. Stars & Stripes have a sound as aggressive as the song titles make you believe.
Stars & Stripes are still considered to be one of the classic American Oi/Punk bands and they'll be playing two shows on the Slapshot tour.
Wednesday March 26 @ Valve Bar, Sydney (Agincourt Hotel)
$15 at the door
18+ Entry
Stars & Stripes
Stanley Knife
Unknown to God
Eye Gouge
Sunday March 30th @ Bendigo Hotel, Melbourne
$15 on the door
18+ Entry
Stars & Stripes
The Hard Targets
Razor Cut
Reckless aggression
Impact Zone