
Resist Presents: La Dispute Australian Tour 2013

La Dispute is five close friends from the Upper Midwest with a mutual passion for using music as a means to express, challenge, inform, and connect, but also as a fantastic excuse to have fun, make tons of new friends, and travel anywhere and everywhere that people will have them.

Always learning, often touring, sometimes writing, La Dispute has been making music for 3-6 years now (depending on how you look at it) and intends on continuing to do so for as long as they’re all physically and emotionally able to.

This June / July, La Dispute will return to Australia bringing with them Baltimore's Pianos Become The Teeth.

Pianos Become The Teeth has a melodic yet uncompromising sound that brings to mind such diverse and influential bands as Thursday, Envy and City of Caterpillar. Brimming with sincerity and brandishing an experimental ambiance, the band is pushing beyond the boundaries of a stale genre.

Tickets on sale Friday March 15.

La Dispute Australian Tour 2013

with special guests Pianos Become The Teeth

Fri June 28 - Hi Fi, Brisbane
w/ Travels
Tickets from, tel 1300-THEHIFI (8434434) and Moshtix outlets.

Saturday June 29 - Trinity Church Hall, Brisbane AA
w/ Midwest
Tickets from Oztix outlets and

Sunday June 30 - YAC, Byron Bay AA
w/ Post Blue
Tickets from Oztix outlets and

Wed July 3 - Cambridge, Newcastle
w/ Safe Hands
Tickets from the venue and

Thur July 4 - ANU, Canberra
w/ Harbourer
Tickets from Ticketek outlets,

Fri July 5 - Metro, Sydney Lic / AA
w/ Clipped Wings
Tickets from Ticketek outlets,

Sat July 6 - Amplifier, Perth
w/ Flowermouth
Tickets from Oztix outlets and

Sun July 7 - YMCA HQ, Perth AA
w/ Foxes
Tickets from Oztix outlets and

Wed July 10 - Fowlers, Adelaide Lic / AA
w/ Featherweight
Tickets from Clarity Records, Moshtix outlets, and Venue Tix

Thu July 11 - Brisbane Hotel, Hobart
w/ Luca Brasi
Tickets from Moshtix outlets and

Fri July 12 - Corner, Melbourne 18+ - SOLD OUT
w/ Stockades

Sat July 13 - Corner, Melbourne - U18
w/ Initials
Tickets from the venue 1300 724 867 and

Sun July 14 - Corner, Melbourne 18+
w/ Fear Like Us
Tickets from the venue 1300 724 867 and



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