
Off With Their Heads have announced plans to release "Home", their sophomore Epitaph Records' release on March 12th. The band has released the first video for the track "Nightlife". Fans are invited to pre-order the album starting today by going to

Produced by Bill Stevenson of Decendents fame at the Blasting Room in Fort Collins, CO, Home retains all the boisterous spirit of the band's earlier efforts while sonically taking a monumental step forward. The new album embraces authentic punk rock at its core and combines melodic fast paced aggression with mid-tempo pop, while singer Ryan Young's rough and edgy vocals and genuine lyrics create a sincerity that can only come from a hard working band that lives and breathes it every day.

"Home is about the struggles of constantly being on the move, trying to maintain relationships while being away, and not feeling like there is really anywhere to go home to anymore," says Young. It's about the reasons why people leave their hometowns and never go back."

From the first track, "Star Walking", an explosive opener about things getting worse while waiting for things to get better, to the album's first single "Nightlife" about worry-filled, sleepless nights that keep you awake, Young describes the new album as "being about how hard it is to accept change for some of us." This is evident in the sobering track "Stolen Away" that takes a hard look at fleeting relationships while "Seek Advice Elsewhere" touches upon the importance of reflection. Young continues to say, "It's about getting older, and not being ok with it. It is about how religion can destroy a family. Finally, it is a dedication to anyone who can relate."

Off With Their Heads have begun to carve out their own foundation in punk rock history with their very own take on rowdy, self-deprecating, beer-drinking, working class punk rock. When it comes to touring virtually year round, it isn't a choice as much as it's a lifestyle for Off With Their Heads. In March, the band will once again head out on another tour in anticipation of one of the year's most engaging punk rock records.


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