"Distance stream 7", announce tour with Postblue"
Newcastle's Distance have launched a stream of their debut 7" "Half Of What You See" on their Bandcamp page, and announced an East Coast tour for January with Byron Bay's Postblue.
The record will be released in January through Howling Sounds, and can be pre-ordered here. The band recorded the record with Matt Taylor (The Hollow, Hazards, Civil War) at Scabbey Road Sound in Newcastle, and it was mastered by Bill Henderson (Title Fight, Daylight, Balance And Composure) at Azimuth Mastering in New Jersey.
In January, the band will be playing shows in Brisbane, Newcastle, Sydney and Melbourne with Posblue, the details of which can be viewed below. Postblue's new EP "Lap Year" can be heard here.
DISTANCE / POST BLUE East Coast Tour 2013
Saturday January 5 - Via Studios, Brisbane - AA (Afternoon)
w/ TBC
Saturday January 5 - Fat Louies, Brisbane - 18+
w/ Marathon, Shields
Wednesday January 9 - Cambridge Hotel, Newcastle - 18+
w/ Hazards
Friday January 11 - Blackwire Records, Sydney - AA
w/ Luca Brasi, Milhouse, Harbourer
Saturday January 12 - Gasometer Hotel, Melbourne - 18+
w/ Outsiders Code, Outlines
Sunday January 13 - The Place, Melbourne - AA
w/ Apart From This, Cavalcade