
NAPALM DEATH - The Scum Story.

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Napalm Death's "Scum" album, Earache records have released the full limited edition DVD containing the original documentary highlighting the early days of NAPALM DEATH and examining the story behind the album and its explosive impact on the wider music scene. Join drummer Mick Harris, as he tours the sites of Birmingham where the legendary album was created.

In other Napalm Death and Earache Records news, label owner Digby Pearson answers the odd fans question over on his blog. In a recent post he talks about some of the best and worst bands he has ever worked with and doesn't hold back on replacement Napalm Death singer Mark Greenway.

"I've never had a pleasant time dealing with Napalm Death's Mark "Barney" Greenway. We supported him and his band for over a decade, investing eye-wateringly huge sums of money into his career. It's quite possible he was never even aware of this fact, as his bumbling manager Mark Walmesley dealt with everything for him - including all his financial affairs I suspect- on a daily basis.

The basic problem stems from the fact Barney was not involved with the explosive first 2 albums by Napalm Death so he completely missed out on the feel-good factor which came from a brand new band and label both blasting-off from obscurity. He had no reason for any goodwill towards me or Earache because he walked into an already successful band. Likewise I never actively chose to sign the dude, he was the bands roadie,  he was the Benediction singer, suddenly drafted into the role of singer of a successful band,  and was obligated to sign into an existing contract, not one of his choosing.

Barney did willingly ink deals with Earache twice more in the 90s though. The band's slow gradual loss of fanbase during their groove-grind phase could have proved fatal, but Earache worked tirelessly behind the scenes to prevent Napalm Death splitting, quiting or becoming a totally spent force- for very little gratitude I might add. Even Barney himself jumped ship from Napalm to join ENT at one point. It was not a happy camp during those latter Earache years. His enmity to Earache is legendary and grudges are held, for the most trivial of reasons, for an inordinate length of time."


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