On Saturday January 7th up in Newcastle at the Cambridge Hotel there is a great mixed bill show happening. The show is the first for Luke Dolan's latest band HAZARDS as well as hardcore bands HURTxUNIT and CIVIL WAR sharing the stage with the more mellow Easy Tiger and The Delta Lions.
Check it out if you are around or in Sydney with nothing to do that night. Lineup is as follows in playing order..
HAZARDS (Luke Dolan on vocals (Deadwalk / Life Love Regret) with members of The Hollow, Every Word playing a Wipers / Mission of Burma style)
THE DELTA LIONS ( ex Arms Reach, Case for Jefferson, No Heroes playing a poppy alternative country style)
Click HERE to listen to the Delta Lions debut LP "Magnetic South".
HURTxUNIT (ex Life Love Regret, Exiled, FMD, Deadwalk, Persist playing an early US hardcore sound)
EASY TIGER (ex Like Alaska, Conation playing an alternative country style)
CIVIL WAR (Sydney's newest sensations NYHC sound)